Roll No.
B.C.M. Collegeorganized a visit for all the students to nine community centers of the city viz.Baba Pritam Singh Vridh Ashram, Mother Teresa Old Age Home, Braille Bhawan,Vocational Rehabilitation Center, Deaf & Dumb School, Vardaan School for Blind& Autistic Children, Darpan Autistic Center etc. with an objective tosensitize the pupil teachers about the hardships and challenges faced bydifferent sections of society, prepare them to become active members of theircommunity and also to provide them training in life skills like empathy, socialskills etc. 273 students under the able guidance of their teachers visited differentcenters, whole heartedly, extended their selfless services and spent qualitytime with those exquisite echelons of the society who have been ignored,neglected and deserted by their loved ones by helping them in their dailychores, sharing their joys and sorrows. Speaking on the occasion, Principal,Dr. Monika Dua, appreciated the efforts of teachers and students, narratedinspirational fables and rightly quoted “The best way to find yourself is tolose yourself in the service of others.”