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BCMCollege of Education performed Havan Ceremony to seek the blessings of Almightywherein students chanted mantras. Mrs. & Mr. GauravMunjalJi, ManagingDirector, Hero Eco Tech Ltd, Smt. & Sh. S.K. Mehta Ji, Secretary BCMInstitutes, Sh. R.B. KhannaJi, Director Coordination BCM Institutes, Sh. M.R.Mehta Ji, Director, BCM Sen. Sec. School, Focal Point, Dr.VandanaShahiJi, Principal,BCM Sen. Sec. School, Dugri, Smt. AmarjyotiJi, Principal,BCM Sen. Sec. School, BasantCity, Mr. D. P. GuleriaJi,BCM Sen. Sec. School, Sec -32, Chd Road were presenton the occasion to give their blessings. Dr. Monika SethiJiextended warmwelcome to all the dignitaries and students. Sh. M.R. Mehta Ji enlightened thestudents about significant role played by Guru in our life. He emphasized thatteachers are nation builders who light the life of students by consumingthemselves. Sh. S.K. Mehta Ji also motivated faculty members and students forachieving excellence in future also. Faculty members as well as studentsstepped ahead towards their journey of achieving highest goals of education.