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MathematicsClub of BCM College of Education celebrated National Mathematics Day to commemorate the BirthAnniversary of the Great Mathematical Genius, Srinivasa Ramanujan to recogniseand celebrate his contributions in the field of Mathematics. Thecelebration began with the recital of Gayatri mantra followed by formal welcomeby Principal, Dr. Monika Dua. Speaking on the occasion, Dr. Prem Kumar, Secretary,BCM College Managing Committee emphasized that the God is the biggest Mathematician and the wholeCosmology works on Mathematics. Furthermore, he revealed that DigitalTechnology and Coding has roots in Mathematics and accentuated that the Teachersshould help students overcome the fear of Mathematics. The ResourcePerson of the day, Dr. M. L. Jaidka, Principal, D.M. College of Education,Moga, delivered an Extension Lecture on the topic ‘Ramanujan’s Contribution toMathematics’ to acquaint the listeners with Ramanujan- ‘The Man Who Knew Infinity.’ Hevery comprehensively enumerated Ramanujan’s journey towards establishing the famedmathematical theories. To make the occasion unforgettable, Mr. Manik, Ms. Shivani and Ms. Shilpa ThakurB.Ed. Students showcased informative Power Point Presentations on ‘The Life andTimes of the Mathematical Wizard’ and his major mathematical discoveries like Hardy’sRamanujan’s Number -1729, ‘Ramanujan’s Magical Square’ etc. Dr. Geeta Kundi proposed formal vote ofthanks. Principal, Dr. Monika Dua congratulated Mathematics Club Incharges for organising the event.