Roll No.
EcoClub of B.C.M. College of Education observed National Science Day incollaboration with Bharat Jan Gyan Vigyan Jatha to mark the discovery of theRaman Effect by Indian Physicist, Sir C V Raman on Feb.28, 1928. S. RanjitSingh, President, Bharat Jan Gyan Vigyan Jatha, S. Inderjeet Singh Sodhi,Organizing Secretary, Sh. Pardeep Kumar, Secretary, Sh. Rector Kathuria, Blog Editor wereamong the other members of Jatha present on the occasion. Dr. Mohinder Kaur Grewal, Former Principal,G.C.G., Ludhiana enhanced the glory of the day by delivering Key note address.She deliberated on the topic, ‘How to develop scientific temper?’ byhighlighting significance of Science in our day to day life. She motivatedstudents to develop critical thinking, scientific aptitude and innovativeoutlook to become successful in their life. Students participated indeclamation competition and performed Nukkad Naatak on theme ‘How to developScientific Attitude?’ Ms. Ritu bagged first position, Ms. Jasveen bagged secondand Mr. Tejinder Singh stood third in Declamation Contest. S. Ranjit Singhdelivered Presidential address to inspire students to develop scientificthinking by sweeping away all other desires in the interest of desire toknow. S. Inderjeet Singh Sodhi and Sh.Rector Kathuria also stressed on making scientific attitude a way of life sothat it can become progressive and peaceful. Management of the college congratulatedfaculty members and students for organizing such a planned event.