Roll No.
Valedictoryfunction of the 7th seven days NSS camp organized by NSS wing of BCMCollege of Education on the theme “VITTIYA SAKSHARTA ABHIYAN” was marked withthe celebration of the success of the camp. On the auspicious occasion Dr.Kirpal Singh Ji (Agriculture Officer) came as Chief Guest. Sh. .R.B. Khanna Ji(Director Co-ordinator, BCM Management), Sh. M.R.Mehta Ji (Director, BCM SchoolFocal Point), Madam Mehta Ji also graced the occasion with their presence.Cultural items were performed by NSS volunteers such as group dance by Ms.Neera and Ms. Twinkle, classical dance by Ms. Hiti and songs were sung by Ms.Tripti and Ms. Pooja. NSS Programme Officer Ms. Manjeet Kaur read the report ofcurrent session’s NSS camp. Ms. Karandeep Kaur shared her views regarding theexperiences she had during the camp. Dr. Kirpal Singh Ji motivated and inspiredthe NSS volunteers through his motivational speech. He enlightened the studentsabout the real meaning of NSS as nationality, susceptibility andserviceability. He shared number of his real life experiences to show the pathof happy, peaceful and successful life. Dr. Monika Sethi Ji extended formalwelcome to the guest and congratulated programme officer as well as all the NSSvolunteers for the success of the 7th NSS Camp.